Apr 01
a frustrating work day
For the next two months I’m unemployed. This condition is not by choice. Nevertheless I intend to avoid feelings of guilt or worry by constantly working on the boat. Today was the second day of this mandated vacation.
Today I didn’t succeed in rewiring the nav lights (yesterday I didn’t succeed in fixing the diesel fuel leak). I spent all day doing it, and I finished maybe half of it. This is a job which I’ve already done twice and didn’t want to do even once. This third time it was because I accidentally cut through the wires while we were installing a portlight, in such a way that I couldn’t reuse the old wiring. Of course I only accepted this after taking apart half the ceiling which I enjoyed putting right back even less. Usually these things don’t faze me, they take their own time and I give it to them patiently. But today my coping system took a vacation and left me with the desire to hammer on everything in sight, to hammer the entire boat to nothingness. Nothingness wouldn’t need any maintenance.
So I spent much of the morning stuck up in the anchor locker again, and I wasn’t wearing a smile and feeling goofy like the last time I shoved myself in that uncomfortable hole.
This undertaking–i.e. planning to sail around the world–may be grand and romantic, but the reality of making it happen are thousands upon thousands of small victories and defeats. Each small task is necessary and requires total concentration; in such a state it becomes difficult to keep the big picture in mind. And sometimes I’d rather not think of that big picture, lest I become overwhelmed by the magnitude of the work that remains.
Tomorrow is another day, I know. Take the bad with the good, I know.
April 2nd, 2009 at 12:16 am
“Nothingness wouldn’t need any maintenance”… I disagree… You will always have to be vigilant, otherwise somethingness will slip in and contaminate your nothingness.
April 2nd, 2009 at 12:20 am
You should look toward your Paternal Patience and not your Maternal Lack-Thereof.
April 5th, 2009 at 5:28 pm
Just saw your link off the outside magazine website. Read through the entire blog. Looking forward to following your adventure. Best of luck as you go forward.
One thing I’m not quite sure of, do you guys have a tentative set sail date? I gathered that it was sometime in early 2010, but I also thought I saw someone was getting married next year. I read through 3 years worth of posts in 2 days though, so I’m sure I’m missing stuff.
April 12th, 2009 at 12:48 am
Mark~ Matt & I are getting married in October, but that is not deterring the January ’10 sail date. I’m considering the trip a delayed honeymoon!
April 13th, 2009 at 9:41 pm
That’s cool! Congrats & thanks for clarifying.